Blind Chance | Studio 44 Stockholm | Total Recall

Studio 44 Stockholm
Tjärhovsgatan 44
116 28 Stockholm

Kenneth Pils' exhibition features paintings created from internet images, transformed through random processes into unique pieces. Reflecting on chance and attention, the collective effort explores overlooked aspects in art, alongside other talented artists.

The paintings by Kenneth Pils, showcased in the exhibition "Total Recall" feature images sourced from the internet. Utilizing a meticulous random process, these images and compositions are selected to create digital photo collages, which are then transformed through the act of painting into "implausible" pieces of art, inviting interpretation.

With the vast array of images and text available online, time constraints often lead to a reading technique that follows familiar patterns of thought, quickly summarizing content to determine its worth our attention. But what if we were to let chance dictate the selection process and give our full attention to "what emerges"? Could this increase our chances of detecting repressed or overlooked aspects and expanding our possibilities for development?

The exhibition is a collective effort featuring the following exhibitors:

- Raphael Egli: Artist specializing in painting and installation based in Luzern, Switzerland.
- Susanne Högdahl Holm: Artist and member of the artist-run gallery Studio 44, Sweden.
- Kate Larson: Poet, philosopher, writer, and head of the publishing house Lejd.
- Kenneth Pils: Artist and member of the artist-run gallery Studio 44, Sweden.
- Bertram Schilling: Artist and member of the artist-run group Microwesten, Germany.
- Nicholas Smith: Professor teaching history of philosophy, contemporary philosophy, and psychoanalytical theory at Södertörn University, Stockholm.
- Pontus Raud: Artist, founder of Supermarket Art Fair, and member of the artist-run gallery Studio 44, Sweden.